School Supply Drive- Here's How You Can Help!
The PTO is organizing a school supply drive at all 3 schools....
Our teachers are running low on every day supplies and with lack of funding, they are not easily replaceable. Let’s come together and help our schools get the tools they need for our students to succeed!
The supply drive will run from Friday, November 17th-Friday, December 8th. Please see below for the supply lists. All supplies can be sent to school with your child.
Thank you for your continued support!
Supplies Needed:
Antolini School
magnetic clips
1 3/8" x 1 7/8" post its
recess balls (3 1/2" smoosh balls, odd balls, 6" dodgeballs, frisbees)
three ring notebooks 2"
masking tape
heavy hold magnets
1" binders
1/2" binders
flip chart markers
pencils #2 (nothing with patterns or designs)
NHES/Bakerville Supply List
sidewalk chalk
masking tape 1"
small size packaged girls/boys underwear (nurse)
strong magnets
magnetic tape
velco-strips and dots (lots)
scotch tape (lots)
glue sticks
manila folders
sandwich bags (ziploc)
gallon size bags (ziploc)
flipchart paper (ruled , not grid)
scotch clear, heavy duty packing tape
pencils #2 (nothing with patterns or designs)
butcher paper (for doors)
star stickers
laminating pouches(letter size,legal size and menu size)
dry erase markers
poster markers (different colors)
felt tip markers (papermate flair black mostly, multicolors)
extra large sticky notes 6x8
regular sticky notes 3x3
dry erase erasers for little hands(not board size for teachers)
card stock (white)
white out